Why the "guard" statement is important in development with Swift


3 min read

Today, I will tell you what the guard is, how it works, and why it is important in the Swift development.


The guard statement is a statement for conditional processing like the if statement. However, it is recommended to use it not for just conditional processing but for handling optional variables. It enhances readability and safety of your programs by ensuring an optional variable has a value. In that sense, the guard statement is one way to handle optional bindings rather than mere conditional processing.

The definition

The guard statement is a statement for conditional processing like the if statement. The differences from the if statement are:

  1. The code inside the else block is executed when the condition is false.

  2. It requires an early exit of from the current scope (byreturn,break,continueandthrow).

  3. It can only be used in functions, methods, and computed properties.

  4. A new variable in an expression after theguardkeyword can be used after theguardblock it the variable is notnil.

Here is an example:

func exampleFunc(_ a: Int) {
    guard a > 0 else {
        // code to be exectued when the condition is false
        print("The value is negative")
        // exit the current scope

// output: 12

As the example shows, the syntax must be like:

guard <boolean> else {
    // code to exit the current scope

It is useful when checking if arguments are valid at the first.

The guard let and guard var statement

In many cases, the guard keyword is used as guard let or guard var. Let's see an example first:

func printMessage(_ message: String?) {
    guard let thisMessage = message else {
        print("It's nil")

printMessage("Hello, World!")
// output: Hello, World!

You can instantiate a new variable with assigning a value using the guard statement, which is called conditional binding. Like the example above, it checks if a variable is nil or not, and executes the code and exits the current scope when the variable is nil.

Only boolean value can be used after the guard keyword. However, the expression let thisMessage = message does not look like a boolean, right? No, it actually is not. In this case, the expression is a conditional binding, which attempts to assign the value of the optional variable. If the assignment succeeds (the optional contains a value), the new variable, which is thisMessage in this case, is available for use within the rest of the scope. And if the assignment fails (the value is nil), the code within the else block is executed and exits the current scope.

Why use guard

Actually, what the guard statement does can be achieved with the if statement; there are many languages that do not have the guard statement or similar syntaxes. However, guard has a significant feature that if cannot; guard can easily and readably check if an optional variable is nil or not, and the unwrapped variable can be used after guard statement. Furthermore, it ensures exiting the current scope if the optional variable is nil. It is safe for handling optional variables. That's why the guard statement is often used with optional bindings.

In conclusion, guard is very useful for safely, easily and readably handling variables that can be nil, which supports a main concept of Swift.


  • Optional binding is a feature in Swift that allows you to safely unwrap an optional variable and assign its value to a new variable within a limited scope.

  • The if statement also can be used for optional binding. The key differences are that the guard statement safely ensures early exit (if an optional variable is nil) and unwrapped variables can be used after the guard block.